Saturday, August 9, 2008

Functional Coverage vs Code Coverage

Code coverage is a measure of what parts of the RTL implementation were executed by your simulator while running the testcases.

Functional coverage is a measure of the level of Functionality of the RTL covered by the testcases. Unlike code coverage the metric in Functional coverage i.e. the Functionality is defined by us using functional coverage groups. There are various technologies available to define these functional coverage points and to know if they were reached.

Both metrics are good and give different information about verification suite's quality.

Various flavors of code coverage metric tells us about how good is the Stimulus to the Design Under Test.For e.g some lines are not covered or some signals are not toggled, it means that the testbench and testcases are not good enough to make the design reach these states.
Code coverage cannot tell us any relation between to different pieces of rtl code. E.g. Whether two signals toggled together...or whether read-logic of block A and write logic of block B was excited at the same time? .It can only tell us if a signal ever toggled or if a logic code was ever reached.

Functional coverage points are an indicator coverage of the design's functional state. A functional state can be achieved by combination of different pieces of code or different signals. So its is a bit stronger metric to measure verification completion. But by definition the functional coverage metric is very subjective. The goodness of a functional coverage report is only as good as the functional coverage points and its implementation.

For any coverage metric to hold any meaning, it should be coupled with a good checking mechanism for all the testcases. There is no point in reaching a state of design or exciting a logic and not checking if design responds as expected in that state.

The intent of code and functional coverage differs:

Code Coverage :
1. there is no need to use Spec at all.
2.It verifies test cases completeness in terms of hitting every line, every expression etc of the RTL code.
3.Also, it verifies for the non-accessable (dead) code and some other code-related checks

Functional Coverage :
1. it verifies not only RTL against Spec, but also Spec against higher-level system requirements.
2.Performance verification may reveal functional spec deficiencies as well as deep functional bugs too.

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