Friday, August 8, 2008

Difference between conditional operator & if .. else

Hi all,

Consider the following verilog code

module if_cond ;
reg [1:0] a,b ;
reg [1:0] c2 ;
wire [1:0] c1 ;
reg [1:0] foo ;

assign c1 = foo ? a : b ;

always @ ( foo or a or b )
if ( foo )
c2 = a ;
c2 = b ;


What is the difference between the variables C1 & C2 ? Is there any ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Say foo is 2'b1x a=2'b00 b=2'b11:
Take the first example, it merges the false expression b with foo that is c becomes 2'b1x where as the if else statement always results in c=b!! So better to use if else..